Precast Columns
Precast Columns are typically used to support beams and spandrels in appli-cations such as parking structures and precast concrete structural systems. They usually are designed as multilevel components ranging from a single sto-ry to six levels or even more.
They can be made in a long-line pre-tensioning facility and reinforced with prestressing strand or cast in indi-vidual forms with ether prestress-ing strand or conventional rebar. They are cast in a horizontal position and rotated to their final position at the jobsite by the erection crew.
Sizes and shapes vary to satisfy both architectural and structural require-ments.
Precast Columns can be single-tier or multi-tiered as required.
Column connections are often made us-ing grouted sleeves, but bolted or socket connections are also used. APC will pro-pose the most effective solution for your project based on your requirement.