Precast Insulated sandwich walls
Due to the harsh summer temperatures, the cooling of buildings accounts for approximately 60% of the consumption of peak power load in this region. In an effort to reduce energy consumption, the insulation of external walls of buildings becomes critically important. With fully insulated precast sandwich wall systems, the full thermal isolation of the internal core of the building can be achieved.
The Structure
Insulated precast walls consist of two concrete layers joined by stainless steel connectors with an insulating layer between them.
The insulation layer is continuous over the entire surface area without any thermal bridges and its thickness is determined by the insulation value required. The thinner external layer can be made in a variety of concrete colors and surface treatments while the internal, often load-bearing layer is normal grey concrete.
The Developer benefits through reduced initial investment for the cooling systems
The Owner / Resident benefit through reduced electricity consumption
The Country benefits through a reduced Carbon Footprint