Precast Manholes, Soak pits and Chambers
Precast concrete manholes have be-come the construction Industry’s prod-uct of choice over cast-in-place con-crete, Brick and other non-concrete products for many reasons, not the least of which is ease of installation. Precast concrete Manholes can be easily installed on demand and imme-diately Backfilled. There is no need to wait for concrete or mortar to Cure at the job site. The degree of soil com-paction around the Manhole and re-maining trenches is never a problem, making Installation faster and easier. Contractors are familiar with how to handle precast concrete manholes and can easily install them. Standard sealants and flexible joints are readily available and are vital to water tight-ness.
Precast Manholes are made in a controlled environment; they exhibit high quality and uniformity. Varia-bles affecting quality typically found on a job site – temperature, curing conditions, material quality and craftsmanship – are nearly eliminat-ed in APC plant.
Concrete is a very strong and dura-ble material, which is a significant sustainable attribute. It will not rust, rot or burn and has a service life of in excess of 100 years.